- How it Works Implementation details for the core library
- JSX Pragma
Using JSX pragma to enable the
prop - Motivation Project background and prior art
- Object Styles Authoring styles with object literal syntax
- Variants Create stylistic theme-based variations
- Layouts Creating themeable page layouts
- Styled Components Create reusable styled components
- MDX Layout Components Use Theme UI to create MDX layouts
- Responsive Typography Style content responsively
- Nested ThemeProviders Add contextual theme and stylistic changes
- Custom CacheProvider Customise the styles generated and where they are injected
- Syntax Highlighting Add syntax highlighting to MDX code blocks
- Theme Color Meta Tag Use theme colors for the theme color meta tag
- Color Mode Toggles Create buttons to switch color modes
- Global Styles Add global styles with Emotion
- Linked Headings Add linked headings in MDX
- Using Theme UI without MDX Use the core package to avoid unnecessary bloat
- Merging Themes Merging theme objects together with JavaScript